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Co-creation of digital tools to enhance young adult minority participation in clinical trials

U01 Cooperation Agreement

Award Number:




California State University, Fullerton (co-PI Joshua Yang)

S-3 Research LLC (co-PI Tim Mackey)


April 2022 - September 2024

Project Summary

Increasing young adult racial and ethnic minorities’ participation in COVID-19 clinical trials is an essential component of reducing health disparities in uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations and treatment burden. Yet, there are several obstacles that hinder racial/ethnic minority participation in trials, including structural barriers associated with lack of financial resources, access and transportation issues, and cultural-specific issues such as mistrust in the medical/research community or concerns about medical experimentation. The proposed project will use novel approaches involving big data, machine learning, data science, and community-driven qualitative research in order to develop and evaluate a digital tool to encourage young minority adults to participate in the clinical trial process. 

Project Timeline

Aim 1. April 2022 - July 2022

Data Mining and Geospatial Analysis of

Develop insights into which communities in the United States are underrepresented in the context of access to COVID-19 clinical trials, while also assessing racial, ethnic, age and socioeconomic factors that may contribute to underrepresentation using data mining.​    Read more

Aim 2. April 2022 -  May 2023

Multiplatform Social Media Analysis for COVID-19 Clinical Trial Experiences

Characterize broad user self-reported knowledge, attitudes, and lived experiences with COVID-19 clinical trials, including among members of underrepresented communities, by using big data and machine learning to identify and characterize discussions on social media platforms.

Aim 3. August 2022 - May 2023

Focus Group Exploration of Minority Young Adult Experiences with COVID-19 Trials

Identity specific rationalities, cultural norms, and historical influences related to COVID-19 clinical research engagement with racial and ethnic minority young adults in the Los Angeles-Long-Beach-Anaheim Metropolitan Statistical Area (LALBA-MSA) through deep, nuanced focus group discussions.

Aim 4. July 2022 -  August 2023

Aim 4. Clinical Trial Digital Health Tool Ideation, Design, and Development

Ideate, co-create, and jointly design a digital health tool to encourage clinical trial participation among young adult minority populations through co-design sessions and pilot testing held with racial and ethnic minority young adults in LALBA-MSA.

Aim 5. September 2023 - April 2024

Aim 5. Digital Tool Controlled Before-and-After Study

Characterize broad user self-reported knowledge, attitudes, and lived experiences with COVID-19 clinical trials, including among members of underrepresented communities, by using big data and machine learning to identify and characterize discussions on social media platforms.

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